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John North is exhibiting some of his Work at Gallery at St Martin's in Lincoln from the 9th to the 15th of August.

Please see here for more details

Born in Lincoln in 1961, John began to paint in the early 1980’s.  In the early days his art was purely for his own pleasure but he soon began to receive requests from family and friends.  As more people saw his art he quickly found his life like and honest work to be very popular and now receives requests from the general public for portraits of family, friends and pets.

He is self-taught, and has a realistic style, which is enhanced by his eye for colour and attention to detail.  He works in most mediums, particularly oils and watercolours.  John is also an accomplished photographer and illustrator and can even turn his hand to building beautiful furniture, but this remains a job he does for family only.

Still living in Lincoln John, now married with two daughters, works as a silk screen printer as well as completing commissions for private clients.
Having successfully produced a number of these commissions, he finds he has more time to dedicate to his art and continues to add to his portfolio as well as producing work for sale.

On this website you will be able to view much of his portfolio art and also see the works that are available to purchase as your own.  Both paintings and commissions will be signed by the artist to prove authenticity and would be perfect as a unique gift for any occasion.

 John is deservedly gaining recognition as a true artist due to his sympathetic approach and perfectionism.  He strives to produce quality work which delights his clients and anyone else who is lucky enough to view it.